Slow and Steady: Your Expectations When Joining a Yoga Class for a Back Injury


It can seem like there are so many novelty variations on yoga these days. Whether it's yoga with goats, yoga with lemurs (yes, really), or yoga sessions set to heavy metal music, it can make a yoga novice wonder whatever happened to the idea of a straightforward, traditional yoga class. If it has been suggested that yoga might be of benefit to you after suffering a back injury, chances are that you'll want to steer clear of anything with a hint of novelty (even though it would be fun to play with baby goats). It's likely that yoga will have been suggested to complement any other types of treatment you will need, whether this is regular chiropractic treatments or prescribed pain relief. While yoga might not necessarily cure your back pain by itself, it can help to restore your former vigour, returning your spine to its pre-injury state.


The best yoga poses for someone with a back injury are those that encourage you to elongate your spine, decompressing it and allowing it to rotate, essentially promoting the flexibility of your spine. Though yoga can seem like a low-impact form of physical therapy (and it is), someone with a back injury can easily find themselves struggling to contort their body into the necessary pose, not to mention the potential difficulty of holding the pose for any length of time.


Like any form of exercise, your stamina gradually increases with repetition. Those who run didn't automatically start by running a marathon but engaged the necessary muscles day by day until their abilities increased exponentially. It's the same with yoga, and when you have chosen to begin a yoga class to aid your injured back, you need to be wary of doing too much, too soon, as this can obviously aggravate your injury.


For these reasons, it can be helpful to join a yoga class for absolute beginners, one that allows you to gently ease your injured back into the exercises it's about to experience. There might even be a class specifically designed for back pain sufferers in your local area. Failing that, you could also seek out a class for senior citizens. Though you might not be at that age yourself, remember that such a class is paced for bodies that might not be as flexible as they once were, and this can be applicable in your case too, regardless of your age.

It's really a case of easing yourself into yoga and allowing your back to gradually strengthen, as opposed to expecting immediate results and potentially damaging your back even more as you chase this goal. The benefits of a yoga class can be considerable, and you might find yourself coming back to class even when your back has healed.


24 May 2019

How Seeing a Doctor Could Save Your Life

Hello there! Welcome to my blog. I would like to start by telling you a story about something that happened to me many years ago. I was working in Sydney at the time as an investment banker. The hours were long and I would party every weekend to de-stress. I put on a lot of weight and began to have problems sleeping. I didn't pay much attention to the problems, as I thought I was invincible. However, one day I collapsed at work. At the hospital the doctors saved my life. Since then, I have become very interested in health and medical matters.